NJFPA Fall Think Tank - Supply Chain

Supply Chain Disruptions - People, Transportation, & Forecasting

NJFPA Fall Think Tank
Friday, October 15th - 9 AM - 1:30 PM

Non-Members: $60 | Members: $50 - Registration starting next week!

One of the most important issues to face every industry this year has been supply chain disruption. Get together with your peers to discuss the specific local challenges for food processors on the ground in NJ, who has found successful solutions and what NJFPA collaborations could bring to the table.

Expert moderators will lead round table discussions focused on three main topics:
  • People - Cielo Talent
    Labor challenges related to staffing, no shows, recruiting, and more.
  • Transportation - Mark McEntire, SVP of Ops at Transplace.com
    Ocean container shortages, trucking carrier/driver availability, longer lead times and unexpected delays on critical materials.
  • Forecasting - Pearl Mattison, Director, Demand and Network Planning, Lassonde
    Consumer stockpiling, increased demand, back to school uncertainty, communication challenges, climate change impact to crops, extreme weather events, direct/indirect impacts.
For more information about the event, or details on our health and safety protocols, please email [email protected].
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